Sunday, October 3, 2010


The shot that I need to boost my immunity, called neulasta, has made me feel like I have the flu times 10.  It is supposed to boost white blood count from the bone marrow so that I can fight infection better.  As a result, I am sore all over..Bones, muscles, even my ears hurt to the touch.  There has been two days of this, but this morning seems slightly better.  I am hoping with breakfast and another walk that I'll loosen up.  Elliott, my parents, my brother, my children, and my friends have been instrumental in helping me get through this.  Knowing that people are behind me has meant everything..

When I woke up from the surgery, I was already placed in a surgical bra and abdominal binder.  Of course, the only thing I could think of was how I wanted a sandwich. The nurses told me that I couldn't eat anything solid until I passed gas.  I was hooked up to a couple of different IV's and these leg things that kept circulation going during and after surgery.  Every hour, the nurses would come by, check my vitals, and the "flap" to make sure that it was still alive.  They would literally put a small microphone up to the flaps and listen for the blood flow.  It reminded me of when I was pregnant and the nurses would check the baby's heartbeat.  After a few hours, they would check every 2, then every 4...The nurses and doctors were very pleased with how well my surgery went and how little bruising I had.  I was afraid to look at my new body and didn't actually look until the day I left the hospital.

I had many visitors while at the hospital.  Some of them were band parents and their kids...friends, and of course family.  I received many phone calls, cards, letters, and messages on facebook.  I had many beautiful flowers sent, books, etc...The nurses on that floor were some of the most amazing people I have ever met.  They were so patient, sensitive, and kind.  In my opinion, they are like angels on earth. Even now when I think about it, I have no idea how they put up with me.

My wonderful mother is here with me now, so I am going to sign off.  She is going to make me breakfast and take me for my morning walk.  She thinks that she is a terrible nurse, but she is the best.

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