Sunday, October 10, 2010

10-10-10 My interesting diet

I still have some aches and pains in my legs and pelvis today, but it seems overall to be getting better.  I went for a walk 2x today.  The first time hurt so badly, I was brought to tears and my mother had to get the car to pick me up.  My evening walk went much better..No real pain, just soreness.  So that's got to be an improvement, right?

I wanted to talk a little bit about my diet lately.  All refined sugar and carbohydrates make my heart palpitate and make me nauseous.  For a while, I was only eating meat, cheese, nuts, and salad because that's all I could tolerate.  Just today, I added fruit and I felt fine.  I simply have no desire to eat bread, rice, cake, cookies, chocolate, any kind of dessert, or coffee..  All of those foods used to be my favorites and now I can no longer tolerate them.  Very sweet foods taste very intense.  I had a ripe banana today as a snack..It gave me the worst heartburn and it tasted like it had been dipped in honey.  It was really disgusting...

Since I have been eliminating bad carbs from my diet, I have been feeling really pretty good considering I'm going through chemo.  When I'm awake, I have a lot more energy and I'm sleeping better at night.  If it wasn't for the leg pain, I would be feeling terrific. I am actually craving a very healthy diet...I never have that...Please let me know if you have any insight into this, because it is confusing and fascinating.

Emotionally today I have been pretty depressed.  I think the pain is finally starting to get to me.  Intense or constant pain is the one thing that I have a really hard time talking myself out of.  I am hoping tomorrow is a better day.

Good night my friends and have a glorious evening.


  1. Hey Emily,

    A while back I asked for your email address to send you some diet/food resources. Much of what I would suggest or recommend sounds like what you're describing. For the past year or so I've been following what is described as the "Paleo" or "Caveman" diet. Weird monikers aside, it's basically just really clean eating. No grains, no legumes (due to leaky gut issues), no sugar, no dairy, and minimizing processed foods in general. The dairy was the last thing to go for me, but I was very glad stopped it because I hadn't known how badly it was effecting me. They also recommend eating organic veggies and fruits and grass-fed meat if possible.

    Anyhow, I would recommend a book to you called the Paleo Diet. It describes the science behind eating this way and the benefits as well. I have noticed better sleep, better skin, better energy and overall well-being. Two websites I would also recommend:

    Robb Wolf and Loren Cordain are two of the scientists researching promoting this way of eating. Robb Wolf has a new book out as well called the Paleo Solution. I haven't read it, but I'll bet it's great. The whole9life website/blog offers advice on a 30 day diet clean up as well as recipes and other health info. I had the opportunity to attend a workshop they put on and it was terrific.

    Anyhow, these are a few suggestions on food/diet that I hope are helpful. Sounds to me like you're 90% there anyway.

    Warm regards, Kelly

  2. Another web link about Whole30....

    Cheers, K
