Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy birthday to me

I have constant hot flashes, I'm fat, exhausted, have horrible bone pain, and my eyes are constantly irritated from my new eyelashes...The worst part is, I look like Johnny Carson with my new hair do. I'm a mess....But it's almost over... 

Since this last chemo treatment and neulasta shot, I have been feeling miserable.  I can barely get around from weakness and bone pain and I am constantly sweating.  During my band classes today, I wiped my face and neck with a wet paper towel just to keep from passing out from hot flashes.  It's so strange..when I take my temperature it's around 97..Chemo is bizarre shit.

This past Saturday, my top band and the second band went to tape clinic or pre-UIL band contest.  Both bands did really well...Honestly, I can't believe that I had the energy to go all day with both bands.  I think the reason why I was able to survive working all day Saturday was that my neulasta shot was delayed until Sunday.  And when Sunday came, boy did I pay.  I'm so incredibly proud of my students..They performed so well and frankly fooled everyone with their stellar behavior. One of the monitors said that my band was the best behaved band they saw all day.  If only they knew what hyenas they really are on a regular basis...

This Thursday will be my final chemo treatment and I am overjoyed to say the least.  It will also Ethan's 11th birthday.  In a sense, it will be my birthday too...A new year without cancer..Even with my fat ass, I may have to treat myself to a piece of cake...After all, I think I deserve it.


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