Sunday, January 16, 2011

My fuzzy skunk head and the case of the missing nose hair

I have had 4 chemo treatments of the taxol and so far everything is going pretty well.  There are days that I feel almost like my old self.  When it stops raining, I plan on going out and walking again and riding my bike too.  So far (knock on wood) I haven't missed any work with the new taxol treatments.  I have my treatments at 2 p.m. on Thursdays, and I'm back to work the next day.  Since I am missing my top band every Thursday, I am having early rehearsals with them every Thursday morning at 7:15 a.m. to make sure that I see them at least once that day.  Since UIL band contest is coming up, I need to make sure that I get as much time with my students as possible.

There are a couple of annoying side-effects with this new treatment.  One, is the steroids that I take intravenously to prevent nausea and other complications.  They make me hyper-active and pretty aggressive.  The day immediately following chemo, I feel like I don't have much of a social filter. I am a little fearful that if a student or a parent annoys me too much, that I'll go off with a bout of Tourette's....that would not be good.  I also have trouble sleeping after the treatment, so I'm having to take a .25 of xanax every night.  The nurse calls it "mother's little helper."  I am definitely a mother that needs a little help! Another side effect of this chemo and the steroids is the consistent weight gain.  I really need to go back on weight watchers, but the plan has changed and I don't feel as though I understand it very well.  (Lame excuse, I know..) The last side effect is heart palpitations.  When I get them, I take xanax, and that seems to help.  I tend to get them in the middle of the night after treatment and I think it's related to the hyperactivity from the steroids.

I started a new progesterone supplement to try and thin out the lining of my uterus.  It is possible that the lining will thin enough that I won't need an ablation after chemo and that the polyp will disappear.  (It's not likely, but there is a chance.)  The bleeding finally did stop with the aid of this medication.  Luckily, the cancer I have is only estrogen positive and not progesterone positive.  So, the cancer will not grow with the progesterone supplement.

There are days that I feel really good and I am grateful.  At the same time, I keep wondering when things will go wrong.  In some ways, I feel just as good or better than I did before my surgery.  My state of mind is overall very positive and I am not very fatigued during the day.  At night, I collapse and fall asleep, but that's not a bad thing right?

I have started to grow fuzz all over my head.  The majority of it is white with some black mixed in.  Most of the black is located in a stripe down the middle of my head.  I sort of look like a reverse skunk and it's very odd looking.  Even so, I am proud of my fuzzy hair!! I have begun shaving my legs a couple of times a week and my eyebrows still haven't completely fallen out.  When I use a little bit of eyebrow pencil, the brows actually look normal.  I really miss my nosehair..I never had much of it, but I am learning how important it is.  My nose no longer has a dust filter and I find that every little thing makes me sneeze.  Don't ever take your nosehair for granted!!!!

Since I have this renewed energy, I have begun cleaning up my house a little bit and doing some cooking.  I have been making salads and other healthy dishes for myself and my family.  I made a really delicious caprese salad that my brother taught me how to make.  I think I ended up eating two whole tomatoes by myself!! 

I hope everyone is enjoying their new year.  Good health and happiness to you all!



  1. Hey Chemosabe!
    I will never take my nose hair for granted again. But, I still think as people get older, they can still trim those long ones hanging out for the world to see!!
    That is amazing that you are able to go back to work the next day.
    I get the social filter fear...I don't have one and I have no excuse for has gotten me in trouble before, but honesty is the best policy, right (well, not always,) but be yourself, be happy and continue to be strong.
    You continue to be a source of inspiration to many of us. I know you don't want to join a group now, but when you are in remission, you could probably offer a lot of support to others. Just my thought from observing you and being in awe of you!!!!

  2. Awww...thank you Dee! I appreciate your comments and compliments! Hopefully over spring break, March 11th on we can get together! The last time I saw Maddy, she was a newborn!
