Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My fuzzy head and my new wigs

So, I basically have just fuzz on top of my head, almost no leg hair, no arm hair, almost no hair anywhere.  I still have my eyebrows and my eyelashes...Getting ready in the morning is a breeze and what little hair there is on top of my head dries as soon as my feet touch the shower mat out of the shower...It turns out my scalp is very sensitive to the touch.  (I guess I never realized how sensitive my scalp is because it has always been covered with a lot of very thick hair.)  In a nutshell, I look like I have a case of mange and I couldn't give a rat's ass about it.

Yesterday, I bought two wigs online..Both short bobs with bangs. One is a red-headed wig the other is a blonde wig.  I plan on wearing them in public..I'm still trying to decide if I will wear them to school.  I mean, why not?  If  I'm dressed professionally, what are they going to do? Fire me for hair color?

Everyday I surprise myself.  I never thought I'd say this, but I actually am kind of enjoying the freedom that comes with not having hair.  I am actually thinking that when my hair does grow back, I'm going to keep it short so that I have more time to live my life...I mean, why spend time washing, styling, drying, and flat-ironing my hair when I can be out playing, dancing, singing, shopping, sleeping, watching movies, laughing, traveling, eating....etc...

Next chemo is on 11/11.  After that one, I will be 3/4 way through the tough treatments..How awesome is that??


  1. That will be TRULY awesome.
    And of course they can't fire you for hair color!
    You will confuse the crap out of the kids if you rotate every 3 days.
    Just tell them its a diff. aren't lying!!
    Freedom of all that hair crap is fabulous.
    I told you my friend (6 years in remission from brain, lung and spine cancer) shaves her head now and goes to work bald. And she works with the public - and she doesn't care one iota.
    Kicking ass and taking names...go girl!!

  2. The other interesting thing that I just figured out is that the hair on my head is still growing in albeit sparsely..And it is jet black! Before chemo I was 85% gray and now there isn't a gray hair on my head. I also never had jet black hair in my life...It was always dark brown. This chemo is weird stuff!!!
