Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mind over matter

I cannot believe that it has been four months since my last entry.  Time has flown by at what seems to be light speed.  Weeks have gone by since school has started in August, and I can barely remember what has gone on.  Now it's December and it's actually cold out..Where has the time gone???

Last Tuesday, November 22, 2011 I had my final major reconstructive surgery.  It was a 2 1/2 hour surgery and I was put under general anesthesia again.  Before the surgery, the surgeon marked me up with a blue sharpie and he asked me why I didn't wear a bikini last summer!!  (That was quite an ego booster!)  At that time, I discussed with the surgeon what he was going to do in the surgery.  Since my right breast was smaller than my left, we decided it would be good to put fat into the right breast from my hip.  He then decided the left breast should be reduced and lifted.  The surgeon told me that he would create nipples for me and lipo my hips, ribs and part of my behind.  The nipple tattoos would be done in the office after I heal.

As they were wheeling me in to surgery, as usual, I started crying.  The anesthesiologist patted me on the head and said, "Don't worry, we'll take good care of you."  After that, I was gently placed  on the operating table and the anesthesiologist said, we're going to give you some oxygen now..I knew it wasn't just oxygen because it smelled funny..  The next thing I knew I was yelling, "I can't breathe, I cant breathe!!!"  I was out of surgery and it was if I had blinked and it was over.  The nurse came over and said, "Your oxygenation is at 100%, just try to relax."  I think the reason why I was feeling like I couldn't breathe was because I woke up with the oxygen mask on my face and I felt like I was being suffocated.  The next thing I knew, I was in my own room with my mom and Elliott. 

I told Elliott and my Mother before the surgery that they had one purpose only after the surgery.  That purpose was to get me out of the hospital as soon as possible.  Since it was a day surgery, I had no desire to stay any longer than necessary.  I told both of them to make sure the nurses gave me whatever it was that I needed to get out of the hospital...If I need an anti-nausea pill, pain pills, food...whatever, just to make sure that it happened..They did, and I was home by early evening...

The next week I didn't have much pain and I was off of pain meds by Thanksgiving.  The worst part of the surgery was the itching on the incisions and bruising and the migraine I got from all of the pain meds.  (I tend to get rebound headaches from pain meds.) I had quite a bit of bruising on my behind and sides.  I looked like I had been hit by a truck, but with nice looking breasts!!

I had to wear an abdominal binder and surgical bra for a week.  Since my appointment on Thursday, I only have to wear a spanx and a regular bra for the next 4 weeks.  (I do have to pad the bra with gauze since I have new nipples that need protecting.)

My doctor cleared me for tennis again and any other activities that I want to do.  He told me just to start slowly.  I went back to work the Monday after Thanksgiving and felt pretty normal.

I really believe one of the reasons why I recovered so quickly is because both before and after the surgery, I told myself that I was going to live, I was going to get through this, and I have a lot of life let to live.  After this surgery, more than ever, I really believe in "mind over matter."  I now know that I can control a lot of my life just by willing it to happen.  If I want to get better I will.  If I want to be happy, I will...I have the control to be anything that I want to be.