Friday, July 22, 2011

The anniversary and my affirmations

It has been a little over a year since my initial cancer diagnosis.  I was diagnosed on 7/8/10, and I still remember that day as if it was yesterday.  I remember getting the call from my OB/GYN and him telling me the bad news.  I remember crying and crying for days because I was so overwhelmed with fear of the unknown.

On the one year anniversary, my husband, kids, and I were all in Corpus Christi on a vacation.  The day before the anniversary, I cried again reliving the experience.  After the day had passed, I felt a sense of relief...

After 3 days in Corpus, we went to Port Aransas and had a wonderful time. The condominium was beautiful (although we had to initially switch condos because the first one smelled like a fish fry), the pool and beach were both magnificent.  We would go out to the pool (which is supposedly the largest one in Texas) at around 9:00 a.m. and stay out until 11:30 a.m.  After that, we would go in, get changed and go to lunch. After lunch, we would come home, take a nap, and then go to dinner.  After dinner, we would hang out at the different quirky gift shops, then go out to the beach.  The beach at night is such a soothing experience.  I find the wind off the beach to be invigorating and healing.  After the beach, we would come back to the condo, and watch re-runs of "Columbo" on DVD.  It was a great and relaxing vacation..One of the best of my life.

Since the trip, I have been struggling with the tamoxifen (the drug that I have to take for the next 5 years.)  The main side-effect is joint pain and all over body aches.  If I drink a lot of water, I seem to be able to manage, but I am still uncomfortable.  Exercising seems to be a problem, because I am injuring myself more often than I used to.  Yesterday, I was in bed for most of the day from a neck injury.  I left a message with my doctor to call me to see if I can take another drug or come off of this one for a couple of weeks. 

Lately, since I have been feeling depressed about my aches and pains, I have come up with these affirmations that I say to myself when I'm feeling bad. They seem to help my state of mind and at times actually help my pain go away or at least decrease significantly.

1.  Cancer does not define me.
2.  These aches and pains do not define me.
3.  My body may be hurting, but the pain will not affect me at my core.  My body is just a container for my soul.

This is who I am:
1.  I am a mother to two beautiful kids
2.  I am a wife to my kind husband
3.  I am a sister to my great brother and a sister-in-law
4.  I am a daughter to two wonderful parents and in-laws
5.  I am an aunt to my wonderful niece and nephews
6.  I am a musician
7.  I am a teacher
8.  I am a friend to many and I have wonderful friends
9.  I have a great sense of humor, I love to laugh and live
10.I am a fighter....

Happy anniversary to me for making it one year.  May I, and anyone else dealing with disease make it for many more!!